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Hall Of Shame



Number of people that have made it to the Hall of Shame: 1

2003-07-17 at 9:26 p.m.

Layout: Well, I didn't do the damn thing. Like I usually help her out with so BAH. The colors are ok. I'm not too fond of the magentaish color on the site. I've never seen her as a "classical" person in the sense that her diary gives off with the layout. But then again I know her. The damn blinky buttons are annoying as shit. Too many drop down boxes, I think it makes it hard to find shit even though she's trying to organize and I do give her props for that. I think she needs to go with something darker to match the evil bitch that she is. There is a softer to side to Ravyne however and I suppose for the time being this is coming through. (And I must say this scares me..LOL)

Content: I love her writing as she will tell it like it is and there's no hold's barred. However, you can tell when the hubby is home. The words that she uses to describe their sexual encounters make me want to run away screaming into the night. I hate, hate hate hate hate vulgar words. They make me physically ill to even think about in my head. Could really do without the "C" and "P" words darling. They are icky. I can tell when she's writing to an audience because the writing is directed at the audience. She loses a little bit of her voice when she does this instead of when she writes from her "soul". I can tell when she is venting because something is troubling her and needing to get things off of her chest and ready to release herself to the world just to let it all out. When she writes for an audience you get more of her "shock" value writing that leaves somewhat to be desired, and there again I know her so I know a great deal on how she thinks. All in all I love this place because I get a chance to peek inside that head of hers and that's a rare treat for anyone that really knows her. Hell I don't have to like everything I see....I just love reading it.

So if I must give a score I would give 88% for layout. (Because again I didn't design it)

Reviewed By Nicole

liquid-mojo - 2003-08-09
theoddone72 - 2003-08-09
quillz - 2003-08-09
lindseyjtjtk - 2003-08-07
oxsugarxo - 2003-08-04