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Hall Of Shame



Number of people that have made it to the Hall of Shame: 1

2003-08-04 at 11:47 a.m.

Men Seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses

Layout: Loved it. Epitome of neat and well organized. There are no distractions, it's all easy and well marked. I was able to find everything I wanted to find. The font you use is a bit annoying, I'm a big Tahoma girl myself but it works.

Content: I think perhaps you need some extras. I don't think there were enough. I mean really. (Oh geeze...it's dripping again *wiping the sarcasm off the screen*) Your words flowed onto the screen I must say, however you couldn't keep me hooked. I'm not sure what it was but I kept wanting to go somewhere else as I was reading you...Just didn't capture my interest at all. You write quite a bit about music, bands, Keith. I do find that lust for Keith Richards rather disturbing, I'm sorry but that gave me a full body shiver. The man is a relic. Granted The Stones are classic and I grew up listening to them but Keith has always been nasty. Eww. Overall your diary is solid, it's packed full and while I didn't enjoy it that's not to say your writing wouldn't spark the interest of others and obviously has.

All in all I would say your diary deserves 98%.

Reviewed by:Nicole

liquid-mojo - 2003-08-09
theoddone72 - 2003-08-09
quillz - 2003-08-09
lindseyjtjtk - 2003-08-07
oxsugarxo - 2003-08-04