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Hall Of Shame



Number of people that have made it to the Hall of Shame: 1

2003-07-24 at 5:58 p.m.

Love, Creativity and Hilarity

Layout: Well, it's colorful, it's all over the place and it hurts my eyes. I read through your entries and I read the review that the little girl over at diary reviews gave you. (Really ashamed at this point that I used to review for them) You can do a layout that is pleasing and that is "you" without having to wonder what is stylish. What you currently have is a little jumbled and all over the place. Now your links are not confusing, in fact they are well marked, but you really could find something that shows your flare a little better than what you have. It's garish and just really hard to keep focused on your writing. It's....just too much. I've never been big on all the extras that other review sites require. I think it's stupid to take off points if you don't have rings, or a tagboard, or little surveys or polls...whatever. I'm also not a teenager. When I go to a diary I want to see content. I want to read and get a feel for the writer. I don't want to be blinded by all the other crap that's going on.

Content: Your writing is wonderful, you do the day to day things but you also throw quite a bit more of you in there. As for not having any "meaningful" entries in that's a load of crap.....Jesus I'm sick of seeing that. It's not like something catastrophic happens every day of our lives...we don't have to pour our heart and soul into EVERY single entry. You've balanced both which is nice. I have a feel for you in your writing which even with the mundane entries. Good job. I do like your style and your sense of humor and the entries where you describe your dreams. I agree with you. Dreams have NO meaning or can even be explained. If anyone would do their research on dreams we only remember the dreams that happen 5 min before we wake and even then only flashes of different dreams.

Your overall score is 75% only because your layout could really improve. It's really hard on the eyes with the way you have it laid out.

Reviewed by: Nicole

liquid-mojo - 2003-08-09
theoddone72 - 2003-08-09
quillz - 2003-08-09
lindseyjtjtk - 2003-08-07
oxsugarxo - 2003-08-04