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Hall Of Shame



Number of people that have made it to the Hall of Shame: 1

2003-07-20 at 7:19 p.m.

Here It Is

Layout: When I first looked at your new design and saw the black and white photos, I was delighted. Black and white photography is a favorite of mine. I even like the white and yellow font colors, but only when the yellow is being used sparingly for titles and the date. When you use it for personal replies like here, it is way too much and actually becomes weary on the eyes. Your links are also a little confusing. Perhaps it is the too-close color scheme: light grey & white - maybe use a more contrasting color for your fave diaries. Just a reminder, when your diary is completely constructed, give yourself credit for the design. The only other suggestion I have is to either add previous and forward buttons, or be consistent with your "Earlier" caption for a previous entry and decide if you want it at the top or bottom of your entries and be consistent with that. This way your readers will get accustomed to your style and know exactly what to look for.

Content: This is your strong suit. Your writing is very compelling, powerful, and well-voiced, even when you talk about everyday activities. I feel like I know you just from reading your posts. You definitely write for an audience, but then, I believe this is your forte and you are good at it too. I must say though that you really need to spellcheck before posting and check your grammar. Yes, this is the ole school marm coming out of the closet to chastise you ::laughs:: especially since you do write so much for an audience. This posting was a delight to read because it reveals your humorous side.

Score: 80% for your layout, mostly because it is still under construction and for the ideas I gave you above. All in all though, you have a really nice diary with interesting enough posts that definitely keep the readers entertained. And yes, I will be back to read more ::smiles::

Reviewed by Ravyne

liquid-mojo - 2003-08-09
theoddone72 - 2003-08-09
quillz - 2003-08-09
lindseyjtjtk - 2003-08-07
oxsugarxo - 2003-08-04