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Hall Of Shame



Number of people that have made it to the Hall of Shame: 1

2003-07-19 at 7:42 a.m.

Question Everything

Layout: The Layout isn't as cluttered as I've seen some...but it is cluttered and takes away from the effect I think that you intended. Perhaps you could put the Links in one section to make it a little neater (which I see you have the areas for)...it does take away from the overall look of the diary. It however made finding your link back to us very easy. Which I appreciate! I love your color scheme. Very easy on the eyes and blends together very well. I adore those dark reds and the picture fits in quite nicely. Very soothing.

Content: Well, my first thought was "Are you in there at all?". Flipping through your entries was like reading a news report for the most part. Granted knowledge of today's goings on is good but if I wanted a news report I'd read my newspaper. There are quizzes and other things all over this diary but you're not there, granted your feelings on those issues is also there. But there again, there's really nothing at all to really go on. I got as far as December of last year before I had to close it down...perhaps I should have gone farther back because it looked as if your entries dwindled off about then or around March but I just couldn't...didn't have the energy. Or at that point the want to.

The score for your layout is about an 86% for use of color, minimal cluttering and not killing my poor eyes.

Reviewed By: Nicole

liquid-mojo - 2003-08-09
theoddone72 - 2003-08-09
quillz - 2003-08-09
lindseyjtjtk - 2003-08-07
oxsugarxo - 2003-08-04